Archive for the ‘Landlord Legal’ Category

Legal Changes for Saskatchewan Landlords

Friday, December 28th, 2012

December 27, 2012

Saskatchewan landlords new legal rules


We would like to thank representatives from the provincial government emailing in and helping clarify the confusing changes to the way landlords do business here nowadays.

Here are the corrections to our story on how things have changed for landlords from a government representative (again, thanks!)

Here we go:

On the home page of SLA: there is a paragraph “So  What Will Happen?  Except for #2 the changes already happened on November 15, 2012.   The article misleads readers, as the changes are in effect now.

The paragraph states:

#1Beginning in April, 2013 landlords must inform their tenants if there will be a rent increase 3 months prior to a fixed term lease ending. The renters will have 1 month to reply to it.

#2 Also starting in April, 2013, the Office of Residential Tenancies will cover rent disputes for seniors in independent living facilities.

#3 The government has decided landlords who want to increase rent with only 6 months notice must become a member of an a particular landlord association (one which caters to large landlords).

If you are not a member, you have to give 1 years notice for a rent increase.

All changes came into effect on November 15, 2012, with the exception of the application of RTA to independent living facilities  Only that change takes effect on April 1, 2013  

As some of your descriptions of the changes risk misleading readers, you may wish to refer readers to the page on our website that explains all changes:

That’s good and we appreciate the clarification.

Overall, we have a very good government in Saskatchewan. Smart and good people. But no one is perfect and the changes for landlords are already leading to a lot of complaints.

For a start, let’s start talking about how undemocratic it is to make landlords become members of a specific group to receive special legal benefits. Is that democratic? Aren’t we all equal under the law. And can we see who runs that group? Do they have elections?

Sounds like some more changes are going to be needed to be made in 2013 in order to continue a great rental market that encourages small landlords to invest and provide quality affordable housing for tenants. Let’s not create rules that put a damper on investment like other provinces do.