Archive for the ‘Saskatchewan Landlords News’ Category
Real Saskatchewan Landlords Association Asks: Did Your Tenants Pay May 1st Rent?
Friday, May 1st, 2020New Rules For Saskatchewan Landlords
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018Smart & Helpful New Rules Are Coming To Help Landlords Protect Our Rental Properties
Is surprising but many people are not aware that soon it will be legal to buy and smoke marijuana in Canada. Yes it’s true. The Liberal government is going to legalize cannabis (or weed or marijuana) in the summer of 2018. While many people are against it, the feds are going to go through with it and make it legal to buy and smoke marijuana.
Landlords Are Worried
Many landlords across Canada are worried about how this will impact their rental property businesses. Experienced landlords know we already have so many challenges to face. This is why we screen our tenants carefully to make sure we find the great tenants out there. We always make sure we run a landlord credit check to verify who we are renting to.
The problem is if weed is “legal” what can we do?
We all know that allowing renters to smoke week in our rentals could be a disaster. And if they are allowed to bring in plants and grow weed in our rentals we face even more potential disasters.
The whole legalization situation could easily lead to many small landlords going bankrupt or selling and leaving the rental industry for good. It truly is a potential nightmare and we need to make sure our voices are heard!
As one BC landlord wrote in at the Canada Landlords site:
“The people who I thought were a nice couple told me they worked from home. Only later did I find out their work was using my rental as a place to sell marijuana to people in the area.
An Alberta landlord shared her story of a renter who turned her property into a grow op. When they finally left the costs to get the smell and mold out of the rental cost her tens of thousands of dollars…far more the rent the renters paid to her.
An Ontario landlord about how even smoking tobacco cigarettes is a big problem there and when people can smoke weed it could lead to even more challenges. She wrote in:
“There will be a huge problem in multi-unit rental properties when marijuana is made legal. After all, even dealing with normal tobacco cigarettes has led to huge fights between my tenants. It will be a DISASTER when people can smoke stinky and dangerous weed. It will really hurt good tenants who have kids and something must be done!”
Smart and Helpful Changes in the Saskatchewan
According to a report by CTV news there have been some changes to the Residential Tenancies Act that will help landlords deal with marijuana and other issues. It’s really great news as under the amendment a landlord may establish and enforce rules prohibiting the possession, use, selling or distribution of cannabis; or the growing of cannabis plants.
Saskatchewan Leads the Way in Protecting Small Landlords and Good Tenants!
This Saskatchewan landlords need to appreciate the smart and helpful changes in our province. Not only are these important changes going to help landlords, they will also help good renters. The balance between the rights of landlords and the rights of tenants is still maintained and this will actually help good tenants who want the landlord to be able to protect them from other tenants in multi-unit buildings.
When Will These Important Changes To Protect Good Landlords And Tenants Happen?
It looks like they will happen in the spring of 2018, which is before the feds give us “legal marijuana”. We want Saskatchewan landlords to let other small landlords across Canada what they think about these changes and share their experiences with our nation-wide community. Please write in to and make YOUR VOICE HEARD.
Thinking of Becoming a Landlord? Saskatchewan Boom Not Ending Soon (Part 2)
Sunday, May 5th, 2013May 5th, 2013
Want to be a landlord? As we saw in Part 1 Saskatchewan is a great place to invest. Let’s continue the discussion!
Part one was directed at potential landlords and income property investors in the rest of Canada and the rest of the world.
Whether you are a new investor, an experienced investor from Toronto who has had enough of the up and dawn laws for Ontario landlords, or someone overseas looking for an investment that brings you cash flow and appreciation, take a look at our province.
Despite a recent slow down, Potash is still at a very high level in the area. Oil is also enjoying a particularly good time, which is helping to keep many people in the workforce. In short, the boom is currently very strong and it doesn’t show any time of faltering any time soon.
McLellan doesn’t believe there will be a bust. He believes that Saskatchewan is going through a period where people are starting to realize what the area can actually bring to the world, including machinery and food, and starting to buy it.
Many of the businesses in the province are going through the same boom, and they are starting to face new challenges which they haven’t encountered before. McLellan points out that one of the main challenges encountered so far is that there is not enough people around to carry out the work that is needed. This is an issue which is expected to stretch out over the next few decades, which of course means there will be more migration into the province. Many of these people will be renters.
Success for the province is closely related to the production of grain products, such as wheat and barley. It is believed that both of these will play an even greater role in 2013 due to agriculture going through a boom.
To discuss this and other landlord and tenant issues go to the free Saskatchewan Landlord Forum